Month: November 2019

The living lie

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We believe that we are born to live when the truth is we are born to die. From the moment we are born we begin the process of dying. Our measure therefore in this earth should not be how we live but how we die, not what we accumulate, but how little we leave behind.

The building of monuments should be frowned upon for they are a display of mans vanity, his quest for immortality.

Of the many hundreds of thousands of species that share this earth, it is only man that feels this urge to litter the planet with monumental detritus.

Man The Cancer

Imagine if you will this beautiful blue green planet, this paradise floating through the Milky Way galaxy. For billions of years this planet pulses with new growth and species of animals. New plants emerge and disappear, new creatures are evolved and mountains formed. Then one day when the planet becomes old after about 4.5 billion years a new species emerges that is very different from all the others that had gone before it. This new species is upright and agile, with the ability to shape and mould the environment around it. At first this appears like a miracle species and one that was destined to inherit this blue planet, but within a very short period of time it becomes apparent that this new creature is in fact an extremely malignant cancer that is set to destroy this ageing planet in double quick time.

As with all cancers, when the host dies the cancer dies with it. This dream that we have been nurturing for the past 100 years of finding another host out in the Milky Way must not be realised. This cancer must die with this host here on earth. Man must not be allowed to travel, to infect other host planets.

What is beautiful about these polyps and tumours that we create and call towns and cites, we build higher, bigger, grander.

We are all hell bent on criss crossing the planet leaving behind a vapour trail of pollutants to infect even the most extreme corners of the globe, much of which is done in the pursuit of our pleasures, our vacations. Almost all is entirely unnecessary.


Why do our politicians constantly talk about growing. Why do we lament the fact that growth this year is below the target 2%. Why do we need this growth to survive. Is it that the human cancer must constantly feed off its own excrements in order to prosper and carry out its mission to destroy its host

Without capital growth no one would bother to buy property. The only reason we are persuaded to own property is that we are seduced by the gains that we can make from the capital growth in values. This notion that property becomes more valuable over time is one of extreme capitalism and it is our individual greed to which this notion panders. If a property costs say 100 to build and therefore is still worth 100 in 10,20 or 30 years time we would not want to buy it. We would simply rent it. It is the notion that this property will be worth more than the composite inflation after a set number of years that sets off our greed buds


This is the notional amount imposed by man on man to allow for the greed factor.

Once you see the human species as the root of the problem, as the cancer then we can start to do something about that problem. I am not advocating the annihilation of the human species, just the curtailment of some of its activities. If humans could be contained then a coexistence can take place.

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